Project Funding
Over the years, 2MC Investments have established strategic alliance with big corporations, SMEs and individuals with scalable projects and ideas that promises reasonalbe Returns on Investment. This is usually following the due diligence and vetting of the proposed project. Moreso, the capacity of the existing or non-existent venture is also evaluated to ascertain the viability of the enterprise before approving Funds Injections.

Project Evaluation
Our Business Development Strategies include the careful evaluationof the scalability of the roject proposed by individuals, SMEs or corporations. The analytics covers the scope, quality, and budget of the project as well as the capital requirement. In this same vein, we consider the capacity of the principal, to establish the trust and faith essential for our strategic alliance.

Market Evaluation
It is not uncommon to find lofty projects crash to nothingness, when there's an unanticipated inflection in the development life cycle of the project. To this end, the market evaluation must guarantee reasonable NPV and ROI having provided for the fluctuations and volatility of derivatives. The market variations are sampled for every quarter and the resultant position becomes favorably profitable.
Submit your Proposal
The startpoint for Project Funding is the submission of your proposal for evaluation
Vetting and Due Diligence
In line with our core values, the due diligence and vetting of your firm and project is conducted.
Reviewing the Terms and Conditions for Funding is next in line before your funds are credited to designated accounts.
Managing Returns
The retuns on Investment is specified for translation or conversion according to the Terms and Conditions established.
Project Funding Process Timeline
Process | Duration | Remarks |
Proposal Review | 5 days | Presentation Required |
Vetting & Documentation | 10 days | Meeting Required |
Funding Approval | 5 days | Account Details Required |
Financial Tips
- There's available funding for almost everyone
- International Business is not as daunting as you think
- Learn Terms and Conditions that secures your Capital and Equity
- Certified Financial Professionals exist becasue of you
- If your Financial Personality is Guaranteed, you need no Collateral
- There's risk in every Investment, but that should not stop you!